The introduction to this book is given here in both English and Bulgarian. The book is in the National Library "St. Cyril and Methodius", Sofia under catalog number
Sk 709452
/Уводът на тази книга е даден тук както на английски, така и на български език/. Книгата се намира в Народната библиотека "Св.Кирил и Методий", София под каталожен номер
Ск 709452
Ск 709452
The reason to start writing this book is
more than pleasant. Because it is related to the marking of the 20-th
anniversary from the establishment of the diplomatic relations between two
friendly countries, which undoubtedly are Bulgaria
and Lithuania.
They had never had and under no circumstances disputes or problems of any
character. Even something more. If we start from the outstanding figure in the
Middle ages of Gregory Tsamblak and his key role in several important for the
Lithuanian history events, afterwards if we pass along the left deep traces of
the scientific and public-political activity of D-r Jonas Basanavicius (Ivan
Basanovich) in our country and his country as well and through the good
diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Lithuania in the period 1924 – 1940
before its annexation by the Soviet Union and if we reach to the basic in our
days contacts at state level, accompanied by the constantly increasing
economic, scientific-technical, tourist and cultural exchange between both
countries – all this represents a sufficiently solid layer of humus, enriched
constantly by the historical acceptance, which gives its positive contribution.
Together with all this I have to confess, that as far as it reaches the
Bulgarian-Lithuanian relations, in all cases I feel strongly split between the
nostalgia for the irretrievably flied off past between our two countries and
their constant and sincere striving for reaching more perfect present time. I
personally consider that studying history does not provide a guide with
instructions, adapted for automatic application. Because the historical science
is above all things a bridge, by means of which and based on scientific
analysis of archaic documents it might be possible to throw light over a road,
outlined by similar sequences and comparable situations. If we take a look just
from this aspect, the gesture of Bulgaria
to Lithuania
is more than impressive. Because we have to highlight the fact that our country
is one of the first states in the world which recognized the independence of Lithuania after its separation from the USSR.
The date is well known – 26 August 1991. On this ground almost two weeks later
– on the 10-th of September 1991 – a Protocol for establishing diplomatic
relations between both countries was signed. Thus the beginning of relations
was put, marking in the years ever increasing peaks. The signatures of the Presidents
of Bulgaria and Lithuania, of the chairpersons of their parliaments, of
ministers, diplomats, public and cultural figures under different but always
very significant agreements, memorandums and other official documents,
undoubtedly give additional appearance of these really constructive efforts for
approximation and cooperation between Bulgaria and Lithuania in all areas of
life. In the row of these thoughts, we have to underline the extremely
important role for the mutual acquaintance of both peoples of the embassies of
both countries in Sofa and Vilnius
respectively, the activity of which is marked by dominant intellectual
As a whole the present book is written
in the form of a documental historical prose. As well known the characteristic
feature of this kind of literature is that it is based exclusively on the study
and citing of official documents, on press materials, on evaluations of
responsible state and governmental factors, on scientific institutions, which
have taken direct participation in the analyzed here multilateral
Bulgarian-Lithuanian relations, as well as in some separate comments of the
author of this research. Here the reader will not meet literature inventions,
sucked out of the fingers, aiming at attaining greater readability in the
tracing in historical plan of the different in their character
Bulgarian-Lithuanian public-political and economical processes and the related
to them positive events. I have to point out also the fact, that in this book
there is not a single line of information, which up to now is considered as
confidential. The most important in the case is the fact - I am clear with one
thing – my hot desire to reveal comprehensively the fruitful relations between Bulgaria and Lithuania. This of course might be
done by an ordinary publication without any comment on the whole pile of
documents, preserved in the Ministries of exterior of Bulgaria and Lithuania,
in the National Assembly, in the State archive and the publications in the
Bulgarian and Lithuanian press. Furthermore I consider that in the eventual
realization of this approach, it will be apparently incomplete, due to the lack
of the personal author opinion and moreover the evaluations and comments of
eminent state leaders and diplomats of both countries. In other words – we
would have a sufficiently dry issue, without any colour. This is the reason for
my inclusion in the book of interview, which were kindly given by the former
presidents of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Zhelyo Zhelev.
When an author works with archive
documents, it happens sometimes (due to subjective assessment) - some of the documents to be underestimated
and to remain unused due to the simple fact, that each of us cannot be
sufficiently competent on all issues of the international relations. Led by
these considerations I decided as adequate that the best which I can do in this
concrete case is to use the whole available information on the topic from all
sources, to which I could access. This was the task I put forward for
execution. And as far as it concerns the issue whether I have succeeded in my
work, the assessment belongs only to the readers.
For the reader of interest might be the
case what is the pre-history related to the first steps which led afterwards to
the writing of this book. As known, the sum of chances indicates the presence
of a rule. As a man who is involved in scientific studies, I myself admit such
a possibility. Because this research became possible thanks to the activeness
and good will of a lot of people.
The correctness and the good manners in
all cases require to point out the names of those who accepted warmly my
request for assistance which they rendered in the process of preparation of
each chapter of this book. The first step, without which it would have been
impossible to start the realization of my idea, was done thanks to the gesture
of the acting ambassador of the Lithuanian embassy in Sofia – Mr. Valdas Steponavicius. He was
the man who responded to my request and immediately contacted me with our
Vice-Minister of the Exterior Mr. Marin Raykov during the inauguration of the
exhibition, devoted on the 85-th anniversary from the diplomatic relations
establishment between Bulgaria
and Lithuania.
During my conversation with Mr. Raykov, I put forward my request to receive a right
for access to the archives of the Ministry of Exterior. Mr. Marin Raykov gave
his consent in principle, and implemented fully his commitment. The next step
was not less important. I had to receive somehow all available Lithuanian
archive documents, related to the Bulgarian- Lithuanian relations in the period
1924-1940, without which my efforts would have been in vain. Again I was
assisted – this time by Mr. Valdas Stepanavichus and by our ambassador in Vilnius Mr. Ivan Danchev.
The sent almost 80 archive materials by the Lithuanian Ministry of Exterior,
would have accelerated the pulse of each researching heart. For the concluding
chapter of my book, devoted on the meetings and conversations between the
presidents of Bulgaria and Lithuania, I was supported in an exceptional way by extremely helpful of the ambassador Ivan Danchev.
In our archives I succeeded to find a
lot of materials for the sustainably developing parliamentary relations between
our countries. But, unfortunately with two exceptions. For the visit of the
ex-chair of the National Assembly academic Blagovest Sendov in Lithuania not a
single sheet was found and for the visit of the ex-chair of the National
Assembly Mr. Jordan Sokolov in Lithuania, there were preserved only 2-3
officially exchanged telegrams between the Lithuanian Seim and the National
Assembly. Thanks to the direct support of the former Chairman of the Supreme
Court of Cassation Mr. Ivan Grigorov I arranged a meeting with Mr. Jordan
Sokolov in order to take an interview on the topics of interest. Afterwards I
again asked for assistance, this time the Vice Minister Konstantin Dimitrov
regarding the missing materials related to the Bulgarian-Lithuanian diplomatic
relations in the period after 1996.
Thus step by step I progressed in order
to reach these concluding lines. In any case I cannot say that I have covered
completely the all-round Bulgarian-Lithuanian relations. But I will not keep
secret the fact that I would be very happy if the reader with a definite interest
in this circle of issues has found data and facts, which might reveal the
fruits of the constantly developing cooperation between Bulgaria and Lithuania.