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The attempt to analyze in ideological and literary aspect the rich literary heritage of Grigorii Zamblak showed us unambiguously, that this is a phenomenon, originating as a direct reflection of the actual problems of the time, in which he works. It is one of those widely open windows towards our distant past, giving us the exciting opportunity to trace the development of the public thought both in our country and in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the deepening fight of ideas and religious currents in the Middle Ages. In this connection a question arises – is Grigorii Zamblak only a church-religious biography writer? Hardly. Because, everything written by him after all, in spite of the slavery and devastated dreams, has revived in the old Bulgarian literature strongly influenced publicism. There no great personalities. But, in fact there are people, who have put forward great aims. Zamblak never aimed at increasing the luxury of his own life. And he never wrote for the abstract man out of all, taken in a heap, historical times, but for the people just from his age, i.e. his contemporaries. All that he creates is an opposition against the political reality, which has covered by an annihilating ice crust lots of people, who wish to think and live freely.
The attempt to analyze in ideological and literary aspect the rich literary heritage of Grigorii Zamblak showed us unambiguously, that this is a phenomenon, originating as a direct reflection of the actual problems of the time, in which he works. It is one of those widely open windows towards our distant past, giving us the exciting opportunity to trace the development of the public thought both in our country and in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the deepening fight of ideas and religious currents in the Middle Ages. In this connection a question arises – is Grigorii Zamblak only a church-religious biography writer? Hardly. Because, everything written by him after all, in spite of the slavery and devastated dreams, has revived in the old Bulgarian literature strongly influenced publicism. There no great personalities. But, in fact there are people, who have put forward great aims. Zamblak never aimed at increasing the luxury of his own life. And he never wrote for the abstract man out of all, taken in a heap, historical times, but for the people just from his age, i.e. his contemporaries. All that he creates is an opposition against the political reality, which has covered by an annihilating ice crust lots of people, who wish to think and live freely.
That’s why the very touch exactly with
the life realities becomes the reason so brightly to crystallize his true
belief in the necessity of a struggle, which has turned into morally-creative
energy and a decisive aim in his life. Here we have to underline, that as a
whole we are not speaking of that hypocritically to stand in admiration before
his creative work, by lifting it on a divine pedestal, announcing it as ideal,
irreproachable and without any crack on it. The analysis of the biographies and
the speeches of Grigorii Zamblak is far from showing deep religiousness in text
and meaning aspect, which are so typical for the Eastern Orthodox works of this
genre during the Middle Ages. Which, by itself, is very indicative and main
distinguishing feature. At many places of this research work we have pointed
out who has been that active military-political factor, the tangible presence
of which on the Bulgarian lands has forced Zamblak to write religious in form,
but revolutionary for the spirit of the epoch in content works. In fact, what
has been able to oppose Grigorii Zamblak to the great military power of the
other religious oppressor? The first thing is to kneel before the altar and day
and night to appeal to God for help. But he did not do that. Zamblak chose to
follow other roads. And he started the struggle, taking as weapon the religious
speech for which he has been trained during his teens. In fact what was Zamblak
doing best? To write. In an inspired, fiery and mobilizing way. The transcripts
of his works, made in half Europe ages after his death, speak expressively for
his indisputable feature.
Grigorii Zamblak has clearly perceived
the symptoms of an infection, which will cover as a glacier the many-century
period on the Balkan peninsula. That’s why his creative work, born in an
inhuman time, is deeply human. The author not only influences by his works over
the readers. But he also sends appeals in the name of his captive human
freedoms. Even more. In order his works to have an effect, which they have had,
the availability of an audience was required, that might give meaning. Only at
such conditions similar written works were not covered by the dust of the
forgetfulness, but they became widely popular, piling a layer over a layer
author’s ratiocinations and the proceeding from them readers’ intentions for
future deeds. In the cultural history of mankind there were lots of writers,
who bravely took their responsibility at definite extreme circumstances, which
occurred during their life. Among them undoubtedly is Grigorii Zamblak. Because
moreover he is a writer, who prepared the future. And a worker, who well knew,
that his task is not only to see, but also to show the everlasting life
valuables, for which it’s worth to fight.
As far as it concerns the very
personality of Grigorii Zamblak, it is infinitely attractive and at the same
time touchingly tragic. Because in fact it is filled with rebellious spirit,
with great imagination and dreaminess, with robbed life and much faith. That’s
why always when we meet with such vivid and pictorially depicted by him
personal experience, with uniquely sounding actuality of the problematic,
considered in his works, with the direct addressing to the wide readers’
audience (that was prepared to digest the read work), then we can state with
conviction that the publicism of Grigorii Zamblak is a cultural achievement in
the area of the Middle ages literature, which became at European level a
standard for imitation for ages ahead.
He really remains true to himself up to
the end. This means, that nothing ever was in a position to break his fighting
character. And no temptation for influence and power has succeeded to divert
him from the chosen field. He never allowed the selfishness to gain the
ascendancy over his feeling for responsibility before the future. And something
else – very important. His creative impulse never mislead him to follow the
meandering and leading nowhere paths of vanity and pride. The chosen by destiny
talented people are the Argonauts of mankind’s progress. Because they
themselves and their public contributions are the most characteristic part of
each historical process. The talented individuality is a supreme form of social
behaviour. Simply because it is that form which succeeds to cover the
universal, and from there – to point concretely the perspective for the future
development of the majority. This is the essential characteristics of the
why, namely people like Grigorii Zamblak, who undoubtedly owned similar
qualities, have been the first to feel the true needs of the time. That’s why
up to the end of his days he always strived at coping with the life challenges
with dignity. Zamblak never showed as a mystic with a gaze, turned towards his
soul. In his sermons there are no appeals to the believers to prey for heaven
benevolence. The works of Zamblak definitely direct towards the idea to live in
a society mainly of ethic and moral. That’s why his worldly concepts are always
softened by his deep respect to the habitual religious practice. And even more.
Each line, written by Zamblak speaks, that he has never looked for ignorant
audience, in order to run after cheap applauses with tonality, corresponding to
today’s show-business. His works are testament to the coming generations,
filled with love and respect. But they are also a message, containing a clear appeal
for the people to unite, not to live apart and under oppression. So that never
to be paralyzed by the bitterness of the despair.
Да се напише
книга, особено когато тя е опит да се разгледат под малко по-различен ъгъл дългите
и трудни десетилетия от живота, както и
изключителното литературно наследство на такава крупна историческа личност, каквато
безспорно представлява Григорий Цамблак, ако трябва да сме точни, е направо
рисковано начинание. За него са писали цяла плеяда един от друг по-известни
учени както в България, така и в чужбина. Но, все пак реших да се заема с
реализирането на тази си цел. Защо ли? И тъкмо тук трябва да направя едно
съществено уточнение. По време на
разговор с Негово Превъзходителство г-н Арунас Винчюнас, първият посланик
на Литва в България от негова страна ми бе подсказана идеята да напиша книга за
Григорий Цамблак - личността, която с изключителната си дейност завинаги свързва
нашите две страни.
Дори самото
подсказване на подобна покана е колкото въпрос на чест, толкова и на
отговорност. Затова, когато седнах да анализирам всички „за” и „против” за
предприемането на подобна стъпка от моя страна, счетох, че ако се реша да пиша
нещо, то следва да поставя и няколко „защо”. И, разбира се, на които да се
опитам да дам отговор от моята, твърде далече от каквито и да било претенции за
пълна изчерпателност и последна дума на историческата истина, гледна точка. Мисля,
че всеки има правото да сподели своето
виждане в понякога доста оплетената, но здрава тъкан на фактите, достигайки до
някои определени изводи. И заедно с това никой няма право да отрича всички
истини, за да утвърди само една – своята собствена.
Да се опиташ
да изразиш мнение и при това да не се губиш в догадки без доказателства - що се
отнася до живота и делото на Григорий Цамблак - е все пак едната страна на
проблема. Другата обаче според мене е много по-важна. И тя се състои не толкова
в непомерното по мащабите си разстояние между нашето
съвремие и това на Григорий Цамблак. А по-скоро в липсата на достатъчно
документален материал от онази епоха, който пряко или косвено да е съхранил
повече следи за неговата наистина значима по политическо значение и културно
влияние дейност. Разбира се, че в крайна
сметка дистанцията от шест века прави доста очевидна суетата на споровете. Но,
все пак има немалко висящи въпроси около живота и делото на тази забележителна
историческа личност. Нещо, което не оспорва нито един от нейните изследователи.
За нас емблематчната
фигура на Григорий Цамблак никога няма да престане да бъде една от гранитните
основи на българската средновековна култура. И по свой начин да е част от историята на много други държави и народи, както и на времето в което е живял и творил. Защото той
наистина успява да изплете тънката, но оказала се особено солидна връзка между
политиката и религиозно-литературното изкуство, между жаждата да се живее и
жизнената потребност да се твори, между носталгията по родния чернозем и принудителното странстване по чужди земи. Със
своите мъдри международни действия, съчетани с непреходно литературно
творчество, той показа и доказа, че предпочита здравия разум пред предразсъдъците,
емпиризма пред схоластиката. И че в политиката той е бил повече реалист
отколкото теоретик.
Но, където и
да се е намирал, Цамблак неотклонно се е стремял да задържи християнството под
хоругвите на силната човешка вяра за по-добри бъднини. Затова при всеки досег с
творчеството му постоянно ще откриваме неделимия от него житейски път, който
той следва като значим книжовник и брилянтен стратег, дръзнал чрез изключителното
си писмено наследство, което ни е оставил, да побеждава своята бъдеща смърт във
всеки миг от съществуването си. Той просто бе изпреварил своето време,
долавяйки новите геополитически реалности в Европа. И още нещо! В трудната школа
за страдание той бе научил много повече отколкото където и да било другаде.
предшественици, завещали ни културата и мъдростта си, ни показаха, че са
преодолявали грешките си без да бъдат повалени от живота. Както и че не са позволили
заслугите им да ги издигнат толкова
високо в собствените им очи, че над себе си да не забележат други по-добродетелни
души. Тъкмо и за това те останаха завинаги в историята. Григорий Цамблак е безспорно един от тях И то
не защото ние го нареждаме в челните редици на извисените личности от неговата
епоха. А защото самият той остави блестяща литература, която господства векове над европейската чувствителност в значителни
географски региони. Много е важно да подчертая и този съществен факт, че това е
било време в което никой не е преследвал комерсиални успехи чрез бълване на
боклукчийска литература изфабрикувана единствено за прехрана както е сега в
наши дни. Ето защо творчеството на Григорий Цамблак е ярко доказателство за
твърдението, че истинското изкуство е лишено от възраст и че това, което той е
написал, наистина се е издигнало до висотата на класическа литературна
категория, която зове към бъдещето чрез вълнуващия разказ за миналото.
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