(book) /Тук поместеното резюме е на английски и български език/. Книгата се намира в Народната библиотека "Св.Кирил и Методий" - София, под каталожен номер Ск 684510
The life of each of us has demonstrated long ago and has proved, that the fate does not acknowledge eventualities.
Because every man rather creates than meets his fate. It positively leads the one who aims to achieve something more in his life path and literally drags the one, who has left himself on the downstream.
That’s why maybe the fate rarely blocks the path of the clever man. Lead by similar thoughts, in the following pages of the present research I will try to follow the literary-publicistic and scientific-theoretical heritage, as well as the professional growth the political career of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev – undoubtedly interesting personality in our newest history, over whom fortunately, the time has failed to leave the sad imprint of the oblivion.
In our everyday life the constant change of the sunny and cloudy days is directly proportional to the frequently accompanying us fine and unpleasant moments in life. The life path of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev is not an exception in this respect. The impetuous progress in his military career, thanks to his brilliant personal capacities, has been barred by a criminally exhibited personality that in spite of the absurdity succeeded to climb the high office floors in the existing Ministry of the war. In this regard, we have to underline, as we’ll see, that Nikolaev is not among the people who will bend and get confused in front of such crossing his path difficulties. That’s why his credo is utmost specific and clear: “In my understanding the political and public activity of everyone cannot be considered as an isolated moment of his life. Everybody, who is involved in politics, should be looked at as an integral personality, a product of his epoch and the social context.”
Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev has left sufficient number of publications, out of which we can follow what his attitude has been to the surrounding environment and to the political whirlpool in the country. This circumstance facilitates us a lot, especially when we have put in front of us the uneasy task to trace out his activity as a whole.
The upbringing is a deed of the conscience, while the education – a deed of science. At a later stage of the life, I mean for those who intend to succeed in their initiatives, these two trends unite in integrity.
If we attempt to project these conclusions over the personality of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev, they would reveal a man, with endlessly conscientious attitude to his office and family obligations – a direct result of his upbringing and at the same time they would show his stubbornness and constancy towards self-perfection.
Further to the above mentioned facts Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev has never been afraid to talk frankly and openly on different issues. Even more. In contrast to others, Nikolaev did not allow himself to grow fat – in the moral sense of this concept – as others, who are feeding themselves with power. Although he has had the real opportunity for that.
When we are young, we do not look at ourselves in the mirror. But, the old age lives with the concerns for its name and image, expecting the future as a judge. That’s why in his memories Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev tries to look on the years in perspective. With embarrassment he shares, that he hardly believes the texts which he has written and the documents which he has preserved carefully, describing the epoch in which he has lived, will ever be used.
This moment has come. The writing of a biography is a way of bringing back to life of those who have deceased, a tool to be fixed to the disgraceful pole or to be turned into an object of inspiration. But in any case this is a challenge for each author, who has undertaken such uneasy task. The objective revealing of the life of a given person is not only an attempt for identification with the present, but also an occasion for meditation, a new opportunity for personal enrichment.
The advent of this book is a beginning, bred by my wish to be noted in a worthy way the 120 anniversary of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev’s birth. We should not forget, that the respect to the people can be earned, can be begged, can be bought, can be obtained gratis, can be found even on the street, but it can never be stolen !
The life of each of us has demonstrated long ago and has proved, that the fate does not acknowledge eventualities.
Because every man rather creates than meets his fate. It positively leads the one who aims to achieve something more in his life path and literally drags the one, who has left himself on the downstream.
That’s why maybe the fate rarely blocks the path of the clever man. Lead by similar thoughts, in the following pages of the present research I will try to follow the literary-publicistic and scientific-theoretical heritage, as well as the professional growth the political career of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev – undoubtedly interesting personality in our newest history, over whom fortunately, the time has failed to leave the sad imprint of the oblivion.
In our everyday life the constant change of the sunny and cloudy days is directly proportional to the frequently accompanying us fine and unpleasant moments in life. The life path of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev is not an exception in this respect. The impetuous progress in his military career, thanks to his brilliant personal capacities, has been barred by a criminally exhibited personality that in spite of the absurdity succeeded to climb the high office floors in the existing Ministry of the war. In this regard, we have to underline, as we’ll see, that Nikolaev is not among the people who will bend and get confused in front of such crossing his path difficulties. That’s why his credo is utmost specific and clear: “In my understanding the political and public activity of everyone cannot be considered as an isolated moment of his life. Everybody, who is involved in politics, should be looked at as an integral personality, a product of his epoch and the social context.”
Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev has left sufficient number of publications, out of which we can follow what his attitude has been to the surrounding environment and to the political whirlpool in the country. This circumstance facilitates us a lot, especially when we have put in front of us the uneasy task to trace out his activity as a whole.
The upbringing is a deed of the conscience, while the education – a deed of science. At a later stage of the life, I mean for those who intend to succeed in their initiatives, these two trends unite in integrity.
If we attempt to project these conclusions over the personality of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev, they would reveal a man, with endlessly conscientious attitude to his office and family obligations – a direct result of his upbringing and at the same time they would show his stubbornness and constancy towards self-perfection.
Further to the above mentioned facts Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev has never been afraid to talk frankly and openly on different issues. Even more. In contrast to others, Nikolaev did not allow himself to grow fat – in the moral sense of this concept – as others, who are feeding themselves with power. Although he has had the real opportunity for that.
When we are young, we do not look at ourselves in the mirror. But, the old age lives with the concerns for its name and image, expecting the future as a judge. That’s why in his memories Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev tries to look on the years in perspective. With embarrassment he shares, that he hardly believes the texts which he has written and the documents which he has preserved carefully, describing the epoch in which he has lived, will ever be used.
This moment has come. The writing of a biography is a way of bringing back to life of those who have deceased, a tool to be fixed to the disgraceful pole or to be turned into an object of inspiration. But in any case this is a challenge for each author, who has undertaken such uneasy task. The objective revealing of the life of a given person is not only an attempt for identification with the present, but also an occasion for meditation, a new opportunity for personal enrichment.
The advent of this book is a beginning, bred by my wish to be noted in a worthy way the 120 anniversary of Doctor Nicolay Nikolaev’s birth. We should not forget, that the respect to the people can be earned, can be begged, can be bought, can be obtained gratis, can be found even on the street, but it can never be stolen !
The author
Уважаеми читателю!
Животът на всеки един
от нас отдавна ни е показал и доказал, че съдбата не признава случайности.
Защото всеки човек по-скоро създава, отколкото среща своята съдба. Тя уверено
води този, който се стреми да постигне нещо повече в житейсия си път и буквално
влачи онзи, който се е оставил на течението. Може би и поради това на умния
човек съдбата рядко препречва пътя. Воден тъкмо от подобни размисли ще се
опитам в следващите страници на настоящото изследване да проследя
литературно-публицистичното и научно-теоретично наследство, а също така
професионалното развитие и политическата кариера на д-р Николай Николаев -
една безспорно интересна личност в нашата най-нова история, върху която за
щастие, времето не е успяло да постави тъжния отпечатък на забвението.
Във всекидневието ни
постоянната смяна на слънчевите и облачните дни е право пропорционална на често
съпътствуващите ни хубави и неприятни мигове в живота. Не прави изключение в
това отношение и житейския път на д-р Николай Николаев. Стремителното му
развитие във военната кариера, благодарение на неговите ярко изявени лични
качества, е спряно от една злонамерена личност, успяла да се покатери до
високите служебни етажи в тогавашното Министерство на войната. В
тази връзка веднага следва да подчертаем, че Николаев, както ще видим, не е от
хората, които се огъват и стъписват пред подобни изпречили им се трудности.
Затова и неговото кредо е пределно точно и ясно: „Обаче по мое разбиране
политическата и обществената дейност на всеки човек не може да се разглежда
изолирано само за един или друг момент от неговия живот. Всеки, който се
занимава с политика, трябва да се разглежда като цялостна личност, продукт на
епохата си и на социалната среда”.
Д-р Николай Николаев ни е оставил достатъчно
публикации от които лесно можем да проследим какво е било отношението му към
заобикалящата го действителност и спрямо политическия водовъртеж в страната.
Това обстоятелство ни облекчава значително, особено когато сме си поставили
нелеката задача да проследим цялостната му дейност.
Възпитанието е дело на съвестта, а
образованието – дело на науката. На по-късен етап в живота, става дума за
онези, които са решили да успеят в своите начинания, тези две тенденции се обединяват
в едно цяло. Ако направим опит подобни изводи да ги проектираме върху личността
на д-р Николай Николаев, те биха ни разкрили един безкрайно съвестно отнасящ се
към служебните си и семейни задължения човек – пряк резултат от неговото
възпитание и в същото време биха ни показали с каква упоритост и постоянство
той се е стремял цял живот към самоусъвършенстване.
Заедно с всичко казано до тук д-р Николай
Николаев е и от онези личности, които никога не са се бояли честно и открито да
говорят по проблемите. И още нещо много важно. За разлика от мнозина Николаев
не си позволи да затлъстее - в моралния смисъл на това понятие - както повечето
хора, които се хранят с власт. Макар, че е имал реалната възможност да направи
Когато сме млади не се поглеждаме в
огледалото. Но, старостта е тази, която живее с грижите за своето име и образ,
очаквайки бъдещето като свой съдник. Тъкмо и затова в своите спомени д-р
Николай Николаев се опитва да погледне от перспективата на годините. И с
притеснение споделя, че едва ли някога материалите, които той е писал и
грижливо запазените от него документи, характеризиращи епохата в която той е
живял, ще бъдат използвани. Този момент дойде. Написването на една биография е
начин за възкресяване на починалите, средство те да бъдат дори приковани към
позорния стълб или да бъдат превърнати в обект на вдъхновение. Но, при всички
случаи това е предизвикателство за всеки автор, решил да се захване с подобна
далеч нелека задача. Обективното разкриване живота на дадена личност, не е само
опит за отъждествяване с настоящето, но и повод за размисъл, нова възможност за
личностно обогатяване.
Появата на тази книга е начинание,
породено от желанието ми да бъде отбелязана по достоен начин 120-годишната от
рождението на д-р Николай Николаев. Нека да не забравяме, че уважението на
хората може да се заслужи, може да се изпроси, да се купи, да се получи даром,
да се намери дори на улицата, но не може никога да бъде откраднато!
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